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Roofing Safety - The Price We Pay For the Life We've Chosen

If you're looking for roof safety information, you've come to the right place. The following is a true story...

The only good thing about a fall is that the raw, terrifying fear of death usually passes quickly. The fall from the roof of a house is over in a split second. But falling from 24 floors is another matter...

It happened at a new condo being built on the southern tip of Crescent Beach on Marco Island, Florida. The victim of the fall was a young roofer who hadn't yet learned one of the basics: don't step on a metal roof when it's wet. Not even a little wet, like that morning before the dew had evaporated in the rising sun. Get more here about this or similar articles.

Unlike some of those stories, this one had a happy ending. An astute superintendent named Rick Blusiewicz (we call him Rick Blue) was on site. He is a rooftop safety advocate and had insisted the men wear their seat belts, although they were reluctant to do so.

The terrified young man fell just two meters from the roof before the rope and harness did their job and saved his life. The rest of the crew pulled him back to safety. He was shaken, of course, but he was fine. Death would have to wait another day.

I want to tell you this story that roof safety rules can really save your life. A lot of roofers like me hate wearing seat belts...but they're too important to ignore. We just have to look at them as the price we have to pay for the life we have chosen.